Drs. Nepom and Corren Discuss the CATNIP Study with Radio Pet Lady, Tracie Hotchner

September 17, 2015

Jerry Nepom, MD, PhD, director of the Immune Tolerance Network (ITN) and Jonathan Corren, MD, protocol chair for the ITN’s CATNIP Study, were recently interviewed by Tracie Hotchner from the Radio Pet Lady Network.

As part of the interview, Dr. Nepom discussed some specifics about the CATNIP study, including who might be eligible to participate, why the ITN is conducting this study and how this clinical trial as a proof of concept trial has the potential to advance medical research far beyond cat allergy treatments. They also discussed the ITN and its approach to research and the importance of clinical research in autoimmune and immune-mediated diseases such as allergy. Listen to Dr. Nepom’s interview here.

Dr. Corren talks with Tracie about the broad impact that the results of the CATNIP study could have on how physicians treat allergic responses, severe eczema and life-threatening asthma. They also discuss the approach of the CATNIP study, what a participant’s experience will be like as part of this study, and how the ITN’s goal of tolerance to allergen differs from what current medications and allergy shots are able to provide. Listen to Dr. Corren’s interview here.

The interviews have been released on Tracie’s podcast radio show, Cat Chat. Both interviews will also be broadcast as part of her NPR radio program, Dog Talk (and Kitties Too!); Dr. Nepom’s on October 3rd and Dr. Corren’s on a later date in October.

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