Fond Farewell To Carol Genseal

February 8, 2012

After almost three years of dedicated service, Carol Genseal has resigned from her post as the Executive Director of the Trial Management and Operations Group (TRPMO). When Carol joined the ITN in July 2009, she shared her extensive clinical experience in project management & operations and strengths in specimen handling and data management. Striving for a more proactive role in understanding the scientific measures of the studies/trials, Carol was able to implement better process improvement within her department. Under her leadership, Carol finalized the QMS system and got it up and running. Her push for standardization, in operations, has been felt at our collection sites and all the way to our core labs.

She also spearheaded social improvements in the office with her jubilant personality and gusto for communal activities. Her spirited zest inspired many of us. The only silver lining of her departure, we can surmise, is she will no longer tempt the Bethesda staff with her big bowl of candy she kept in her office. Jokes aside, thank you Carol for everything you did for the ITN. We bid farewell and best wishes to Carol as this Friday, February 10th, will be her last day.

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