Autoantigen-specific regulatory T cells induced in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus by insulin B-chain immunotherapy
Orban T, Farkas K, Jalahej H, Kis J, Treszl A, Falk B, Reijonen H, Wolfsdorf J, Ricker A, Matthews JB, Tchao N, Sayre P, Bianchine P
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
Orban T, Farkas K, Jalahej H, Kis J, Treszl A, Falk B, Reijonen H, Wolfsdorf J, Ricker A, Matthews JB, Tchao N, Sayre P, Bianchine P (2010). Autoantigen-specific regulatory T cells induced in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus by insulin B-chain immunotherapy. J Autoimmun, 34(4), 408-15. PMID: 19931408. PMCID: PMC2860016.
Bringing transplantation tolerance into the clinic: lessons from the ITN and RISET for the Establishment of Tolerance consortia
Turka LA, Wood K, Bluestone JA
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
Turka LA, Wood K, Bluestone JA (2010). Bringing transplantation tolerance into the clinic: lessons from the ITN and RISET for the Establishment of Tolerance consortia. Curr Opin Organ Transplant, 15(4), 441-8. PMID: 20631613.
Mixed chimerism, lymphocyte recovery, and evidence for early donor-specific unresponsiveness in patients receiving combined kidney and bone marrow transplantation to induce tolerance
LoCascio SA, Morokata T, Chittenden M, Preffer FI, Dombkowski DM, Andreola G, Crisalli K, Kawai T, Saidman SL, Spitzer TR, Tolkoff-Rubin N, Cosimi AB, Sachs DH, Sykes M
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
Mixed Chimerism
LoCascio SA, Morokata T, Chittenden M, Preffer FI, Dombkowski DM, Andreola G, Crisalli K, Kawai T, Saidman SL, Spitzer TR, Tolkoff-Rubin N, Cosimi AB, Sachs DH, Sykes M (2010). Mixed chimerism, lymphocyte recovery, and evidence for early donor-specific unresponsiveness in patients receiving combined kidney and bone marrow transplantation to induce tolerance. Transplantation, 90(12), 1607-15. PMID: 21085064. PMCID: PMC3059844.
Development of a cross-platform biomarker signature to detect renal transplant tolerance in humans
Sagoo P, Perucha E, Sawitzki B, Tomiuk S, Stephens DA, Miqueu P, Chapman S, Craciun L, Sergeant R, Brouard S, Rovis F, Jimenez E, Ballow A, Giral M, Rebollo-Mesa I, Le Moine A, Braudeau C, Hilton R, Gerstmayer B, Bourcier K, Sharif A, Krajewska M, Lord GM, Roberts I, Goldman M, Wood KJ, Newell K, Seyfert-Margolis V, Warrens AN, Janssen U, Volk HD, Soulillou JP, Hernandez-Fuentes MP, Lechler RI
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
Sagoo P, Perucha E, Sawitzki B, Tomiuk S, Stephens DA, Miqueu P, Chapman S, Craciun L, Sergeant R, Brouard S, Rovis F, Jimenez E, Ballow A, Giral M, Rebollo-Mesa I, Le Moine A, Braudeau C, Hilton R, Gerstmayer B, Bourcier K, Sharif A, Krajewska M, Lord GM, Roberts I, Goldman M, Wood KJ, Newell K, Seyfert-Margolis V, Warrens AN, Janssen U, Volk HD, Soulillou JP, Hernandez-Fuentes MP, Lechler RI (2010). Development of a cross-platform biomarker signature to detect renal transplant tolerance in humans. J Clin Invest, 120(6), 1848-61. PMID: 20501943. PMCID: PMC2877932.
Identification of a B cell signature associated with renal transplant tolerance in humans
Newell KA, Asare A, Kirk AD, Gisler TD, Bourcier K, Suthanthiran M, Burlingham WJ, Marks WH, Sanz I, Lechler RI, Hernandez-Fuentes MP, Turka LA, Seyfert-Margolis VL, Immune Tolerance Network ST507 Study Group
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
Newell KA, Asare A, Kirk AD, Gisler TD, Bourcier K, Suthanthiran M, Burlingham WJ, Marks WH, Sanz I, Lechler RI, Hernandez-Fuentes MP, Turka LA, Seyfert-Margolis VL, Immune Tolerance Network ST507 Study Group (2010). Identification of a B cell signature associated with renal transplant tolerance in humans. J Clin Invest, 120(6), 1836-47. PMID: 20501946. PMCID: PMC2877933.
Rituximab versus cyclophosphamide for ANCA-associated vasculitis
Stone JH, Merkel PA, Spiera R, Seo P, Langford CA, Hoffman GS, Kallenberg CG, St Clair EW, Turkiewicz A, Tchao NK, Webber L, Ding L, Sejismundo LP, Mieras K, Weitzenkamp D, Ikle D, Seyfert-Margolis V, Mueller M, Brunetta P, Allen NB, Fervenza FC, Geetha D, Keogh KA, Kissin EY, Monach PA, Peikert T, Stegeman C, Ytterberg SR, Specks U, RAVE-ITN Research Group
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
Stone JH, Merkel PA, Spiera R, Seo P, Langford CA, Hoffman GS, Kallenberg CG, St Clair EW, Turkiewicz A, Tchao NK, Webber L, Ding L, Sejismundo LP, Mieras K, Weitzenkamp D, Ikle D, Seyfert-Margolis V, Mueller M, Brunetta P, Allen NB, Fervenza FC, Geetha D, Keogh KA, Kissin EY, Monach PA, Peikert T, Stegeman C, Ytterberg SR, Specks U, RAVE-ITN Research Group (2010). Rituximab versus cyclophosphamide for ANCA-associated vasculitis. N Engl J Med, 363(3), 221-32. PMID: 20647199. PMCID: PMC3137658.
Knowledge-data integration for temporal reasoning in a clinical trial system
O'Connor MJ, Shankar RD, Parrish DB, Das AK
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
O'Connor MJ, Shankar RD, Parrish DB, Das AK (2009). Knowledge-data integration for temporal reasoning in a clinical trial system. Int J Med Inform, 78 Suppl 1, S77-85. PMID: 18789876.
Prerequisites for cytokine measurements in clinical trials with multiplex immunoassays
de Jager W, Bourcier K, Rijkers GT, Prakken BJ, Seyfert-Margolis V
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
de Jager W, Bourcier K, Rijkers GT, Prakken BJ, Seyfert-Margolis V (2009). Prerequisites for cytokine measurements in clinical trials with multiplex immunoassays. BMC Immunol, 10, 52. PMID: 19785746. PMCID: PMC2761376.
Power enhancement via multivariate outlier testing with gene expression arrays
Asare AL, Gao Z, Carey VJ, Wang R, Seyfert-Margolis V
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
Asare AL, Gao Z, Carey VJ, Wang R, Seyfert-Margolis V (2009). Power enhancement via multivariate outlier testing with gene expression arrays. Bioinformatics, 25(1), 48-53. PMID: 19015138. PMCID: PMC2638936.
Murine high specificity/sensitivity competitive europium insulin autoantibody assay
Babaya N, Liu E, Miao D, Li M, Yu L, Eisenbarth GS
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
Babaya N, Liu E, Miao D, Li M, Yu L, Eisenbarth GS (2009). Murine high specificity/sensitivity competitive europium insulin autoantibody assay. Diabetes Technol Ther, 11(4), 227-33. PMID: 19344197. PMCID: PMC2903340.
Single nucleotide transcription factor 7-like 2 (TCF7L2) gene polymorphisms in antiislet autoantibody-negative patients at onset of diabetes
Yu J, Steck AK, Babu S, Yu L, Miao D, McFann K, Hutton J, Eisenbarth GS, Klingensmith G
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
Yu J, Steck AK, Babu S, Yu L, Miao D, McFann K, Hutton J, Eisenbarth GS, Klingensmith G (2009). Single nucleotide transcription factor 7-like 2 (TCF7L2) gene polymorphisms in antiislet autoantibody-negative patients at onset of diabetes. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 94(2), 504-10. PMID: 19050058. PMCID: PMC2646512.
Treatment of patients with new onset Type 1 diabetes with a single course of anti-CD3 mAb Teplizumab preserves insulin production for up to 5 years
Herold KC, Gitelman S, Greenbaum C, Puck J, Hagopian W, Gottlieb P, Sayre P, Bianchine P, Wong E, Seyfert-Margolis V, Bourcier K, Bluestone JA, Immune Tolerance Network ITN007AI Study Group
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
Herold KC, Gitelman S, Greenbaum C, Puck J, Hagopian W, Gottlieb P, Sayre P, Bianchine P, Wong E, Seyfert-Margolis V, Bourcier K, Bluestone JA, Immune Tolerance Network ITN007AI Study Group (2009). Treatment of patients with new onset Type 1 diabetes with a single course of anti-CD3 mAb Teplizumab preserves insulin production for up to 5 years. Clin Immunol, 132(2), 166-73. PMID: 19443276. PMCID: PMC2735402.
Validated protocol for FoxP3 reveals increased expression in type 1 diabetes patients
Grant J, Bourcier K, Wallace S, Pan D, Conway A, Seyfert-Margolis V, Wallace PK
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
Grant J, Bourcier K, Wallace S, Pan D, Conway A, Seyfert-Margolis V, Wallace PK (2009). Validated protocol for FoxP3 reveals increased expression in type 1 diabetes patients. Cytometry B Clin Cytom, 76(2), 69-78. PMID: 18690669.
B-cell immunity in the context of T-cell tolerance after combined kidney and bone marrow transplantation in humans
Porcheray F, Wong W, Saidman SL, De Vito J, Girouard TC, Chittenden M, Shaffer J, Tolkoff-Rubin N, Dey BR, Spitzer TR, Colvin RB, Cosimi AB, Kawai T, Sachs DH, Sykes M, Zorn E
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
Porcheray F, Wong W, Saidman SL, De Vito J, Girouard TC, Chittenden M, Shaffer J, Tolkoff-Rubin N, Dey BR, Spitzer TR, Colvin RB, Cosimi AB, Kawai T, Sachs DH, Sykes M, Zorn E (2009). B-cell immunity in the context of T-cell tolerance after combined kidney and bone marrow transplantation in humans. Am J Transplant, 9(9), 2126-35. PMID: 19624570. PMCID: PMC2837587.
Early and limited use of tacrolimus to avoid rejection in an alemtuzumab and sirolimus regimen for kidney transplantation: clinical results and immune monitoring
Knechtle SJ, Pascual J, Bloom DD, Torrealba JR, Jankowska-Gan E, Burlingham WJ, Kwun J, Colvin RB, Seyfert-Margolis V, Bourcier K, Sollinger HW
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
Knechtle SJ, Pascual J, Bloom DD, Torrealba JR, Jankowska-Gan E, Burlingham WJ, Kwun J, Colvin RB, Seyfert-Margolis V, Bourcier K, Sollinger HW (2009). Early and limited use of tacrolimus to avoid rejection in an alemtuzumab and sirolimus regimen for kidney transplantation: clinical results and immune monitoring. Am J Transplant, 9(5), 1087-98. PMID: 19344431.
CTLA4Ig treatment in patients with multiple sclerosis: an open-label, phase 1 clinical trial
Viglietta V, Bourcier K, Buckle GJ, Healy B, Weiner HL, Hafler DA, Egorova S, Guttmann CR, Rusche JR, Khoury SJ
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
Viglietta V, Bourcier K, Buckle GJ, Healy B, Weiner HL, Hafler DA, Egorova S, Guttmann CR, Rusche JR, Khoury SJ (2008). CTLA4Ig treatment in patients with multiple sclerosis: an open-label, phase 1 clinical trial. Neurology, 71(12), 917-24. PMID: 18794494.
Therapeutic vaccination with a trivalent T-cell receptor (TCR) peptide vaccine restores deficient FoxP3 expression and TCR recognition in subjects with multiple sclerosis
Vandenbark AA, Culbertson NE, Bartholomew RM, Huan J, Agotsch M, LaTocha D, Yadav V, Mass M, Whitham R, Lovera J, Milano J, Theofan G, Chou YK, Offner H, Bourdette DN
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
Vandenbark AA, Culbertson NE, Bartholomew RM, Huan J, Agotsch M, LaTocha D, Yadav V, Mass M, Whitham R, Lovera J, Milano J, Theofan G, Chou YK, Offner H, Bourdette DN (2008). Therapeutic vaccination with a trivalent T-cell receptor (TCR) peptide vaccine restores deficient FoxP3 expression and TCR recognition in subjects with multiple sclerosis. Immunology, 123(1), 66-78. PMID: 17944900. PMCID: PMC2433276.
Differential gene expression profiles are dependent upon method of peripheral blood collection and RNA isolation
Asare AL, Kolchinsky SA, Gao Z, Wang R, Raddassi K, Bourcier K, Seyfert-Margolis V
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
Asare AL, Kolchinsky SA, Gao Z, Wang R, Raddassi K, Bourcier K, Seyfert-Margolis V (2008). Differential gene expression profiles are dependent upon method of peripheral blood collection and RNA isolation. BMC Genomics, 9, 474. PMID: 18847473. PMCID: PMC2573897.
MIFlowCyt: the minimum information about a Flow Cytometry Experiment
Lee JA, Spidlen J, Boyce K, Cai J, Crosbie N, Dalphin M, Furlong J, Gasparetto M, Goldberg M, Goralczyk EM, Hyun B, Jansen K, Kollmann T, Kong M, Leif R, McWeeney S, Moloshok TD, Moore W, Nolan G, Nolan J, Nikolich-Zugich J, Parrish D, Purcell B, Qian Y, Selvaraj B, Smith C, Tchuvatkina O, Wertheimer A, Wilkinson P, Wilson C, Wood J, Zigon R, International Society for Advancement of Cytometry Data Standards Task Force, Scheuermann RH, Brinkman RR
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
Lee JA, Spidlen J, Boyce K, Cai J, Crosbie N, Dalphin M, Furlong J, Gasparetto M, Goldberg M, Goralczyk EM, Hyun B, Jansen K, Kollmann T, Kong M, Leif R, McWeeney S, Moloshok TD, Moore W, Nolan G, Nolan J, Nikolich-Zugich J, Parrish D, Purcell B, Qian Y, Selvaraj B, Smith C, Tchuvatkina O, Wertheimer A, Wilkinson P, Wilson C, Wood J, Zigon R, International Society for Advancement of Cytometry Data Standards Task Force, Scheuermann RH, Brinkman RR (2008). MIFlowCyt: the minimum information about a Flow Cytometry Experiment. Cytometry A, 73(10), 926-30. PMID: 18752282. PMCID: PMC2773297.
Marking a path to transplant tolerance
Seyfert-Margolis V, Turka LA
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
Seyfert-Margolis V, Turka LA (2008). Marking a path to transplant tolerance. J Clin Invest, 118(8), 2684-6. PMID: 18654643. PMCID: PMC2483691.
Long-term management of immunosuppression after pediatric liver transplantation: is minimization or withdrawal desirable or possible or both?
Feng S
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
Feng S (2008). Long-term management of immunosuppression after pediatric liver transplantation: is minimization or withdrawal desirable or possible or both? Curr Opin Organ Transplant, 13(5), 506-12. PMID: 19060534. PMCID: PMC2727645.
Retrospective tissue typing of the kidney donor from recipient urine
Srikantha M, Sergeant R, Khan T, Lechler RI, Davey N, Hernandez-Fuentes MP, Warrens AN
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
Srikantha M, Sergeant R, Khan T, Lechler RI, Davey N, Hernandez-Fuentes MP, Warrens AN (2008). Retrospective tissue typing of the kidney donor from recipient urine. Kidney Int, 74(7), 952-5. PMID: 18633344.
HLA-mismatched renal transplantation without maintenance immunosuppression
Kawai T, Cosimi AB, Spitzer TR, Tolkoff-Rubin N, Suthanthiran M, Saidman SL, Shaffer J, Preffer FI, Ding R, Sharma V, Fishman JA, Dey B, Ko DS, Hertl M, Goes NB, Wong W, Williams WW Jr, Colvin RB, Sykes M, Sachs DH
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
Kawai T, Cosimi AB, Spitzer TR, Tolkoff-Rubin N, Suthanthiran M, Saidman SL, Shaffer J, Preffer FI, Ding R, Sharma V, Fishman JA, Dey B, Ko DS, Hertl M, Goes NB, Wong W, Williams WW Jr, Colvin RB, Sykes M, Sachs DH (2008). HLA-mismatched renal transplantation without maintenance immunosuppression. N Engl J Med, 358(4), 353-61. PMID: 18216355. PMCID: PMC2819046.
B cell-directed therapies for autoimmune disease and correlates of disease response and relapse
Levesque MC, St Clair EW
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
Levesque MC, St Clair EW (2008). B cell-directed therapies for autoimmune disease and correlates of disease response and relapse. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 121(1), 13-21; quiz 22-3. PMID: 18206502.
CTLA4Ig treatment in patients with multiple sclerosis: an open-label, phase 1 clinical trial
Viglietta V, Bourcier K, Buckle GJ, Healy B, Weiner HL, Hafler DA, Egorova S, Guttmann CRG, Rusche JR, Khoury SJ
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
Grass pollen immunotherapy: IL-10 induction and suppression of late responses precedes IgG4 inhibitory antibody activity
Francis JN, James LK, Paraskevopoulos G, Wong C, Calderon MA, Durham SR, Till SJ
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
Francis JN, James LK, Paraskevopoulos G, Wong C, Calderon MA, Durham SR, Till SJ (2008). Grass pollen immunotherapy: IL-10 induction and suppression of late responses precedes IgG4 inhibitory antibody activity. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 121(5), 1120-1125.e2. PMID: 18374405.
Trivalent T cell receptor peptide vaccine for treatment of multiple sclerosis targets predominant V genes widely implicated in autoimmune diseases and allergy
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
Vandenbark, A.A., Culbertson, N.E. (2007). Trivalent T Cell Receptor Peptide Vaccine for Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis Targets Predominant V Genes Widely Implicated in Autoimmune Diseases and Allergy. In: Zhang, J. (eds) Immune Regulation and Immunotherapy in Autoimmune Disease. Springer, Boston, MA.
New reagents on the horizon for immune tolerance
St Clair EW, Turka LA, Saxon A, Matthews JB, Sayegh MH, Eisenbarth GS, Bluestone J
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
St Clair EW, Turka LA, Saxon A, Matthews JB, Sayegh MH, Eisenbarth GS, Bluestone J (2007). New reagents on the horizon for immune tolerance. Annu Rev Med, 58, 329-46. PMID: 16987079.
Dendritic cell type determines the mechanism of bystander suppression by adaptive T regulatory cells specific for the minor antigen HA-1
Derks RA, Jankowska-Gan E, Xu Q, Burlingham WJ
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
Derks RA, Jankowska-Gan E, Xu Q, Burlingham WJ (2007). Dendritic cell type determines the mechanism of bystander suppression by adaptive T regulatory cells specific for the minor antigen HA-1. J Immunol, 179(6), 3443-51. PMID: 17785778.
Anti-dsDNA antibody assay: high specificity and sensitivity with a filtration radioassay in comparison to low specificity with the standard ELISA
Yu L, Wang J, O'Dell JR, Oates J, Arend WP, Eisenbarth GS
Associated Clinical Trial(s):
Yu L, Wang J, O'Dell JR, Oates J, Arend WP, Eisenbarth GS (2007). Anti-dsDNA antibody assay: high specificity and sensitivity with a filtration radioassay in comparison to low specificity with the standard ELISA. J Rheumatol, 34(4), 734-9. PMID: 17407230.